Joint, shift l
Part number: 32D 711 113 E AFU
Brand: SKODA
Related parts
【41】31G711049 Before ordering parts, it is necessary to physically view## old parts##> containing:
【13】31G711090 Board> before ordering parts, it is necessary to physically view## old parts##
【1】31G711112 Before ordering, it is necessary to physically view## old parts##
【28】31G711265 Before ordering, it is necessary to physically inspect## old parts##
【27】31G711266 Before ordering, it is necessary to physically inspect## old parts##
【10】31G711267 Seal> parts before ordering, it is necessary to physically view## old parts##
【48】32D711113 Joint with shift lever
【48】32D711113A Joint with shift lever
【48】32D711113AAFU Joint, shift l
【48】32D711113AFT Joint, shift l
【48】32D711113E Joint with shift lever
【41】34D711050 Housing-shift> none:
【41】34D711050A Housing-shift> none:
【28】34D711265B Cable
【27】34D711266B Cable
【36】6Q0711550 Slide
【9】6Q0711699 CON BEARING BMW B38 B48/LOWER
【31】6RD711795 Spacer
【32】N10106905 Six angle combined bolt